CCA Europe Regional Oversight Team

Regional Team Members

The following are men the Lord has raised up to assist in the oversight of the affiliated Calvary Chapels in this region. If you have any questions regarding affiliation, or any questions in general we invite you to contact any one of these gentleman for further assistance.

United Kingdom and Ireland

Pastor Stephen Vickery

Calvary Chapel Oxford


Pastor Phillip Vickery

Calvary Chapel Oxford

Pastor Bob Forder

Deal Christian Fellowship


Pastor Dave Sylvester

Pastor Dave Sylvester

Calvary Chapel York


Western Europe

Pastor Pierre Petrignani

Pastor Pierre Petrignani

Calvary Chapel Nice


Pastor Bob Pecoraro

Calvary Chapel Turku

Edmund Coronel

Calvary Chapel Düsseldorf, Germany

Pastor Tyler Johnson

Calvary Chapel Montebelluna

Eastern Europe

Pastor George K. Markey Jr.

CC Church planter among Ukranians in Europe


Pastor Zhenya Chekushkin

Calvary Chapel Ternopil


Pastor Brian Fouts

Pastor Brian Fouts

Calvary Chapel Bistrita


Pastor János Németh

Pastor János Németh

Golgota Delpest
